marți, 30 iulie 2013

My advice on challenges

Challenges are a more fun way to play a game.It brings extra dificulty and it can change quite a bit the usual gameplay. For the Sims are a lot of challenges that are difficult.

For example The Midnight Sun Challenge. To me it's probably one of the most difficult one because you are on a small 10x10 island with $3,000. It's practically imposible (well it it imposible ) to play without having World Adventures because you will have to travel. You can't play it without that EP. The only reason I got WA was for this challenge . I finished it but once i did it i uninstalled WA because to me it's not a very good EP.

Why play challenges ? Sooner or later you will get kinda bored of doing the same thing over and over again so playing different challenges you actually have a goal and some rules that you must follow.

Challenges are fun but why not make them harder. For example in Midnight Sun you can challenge your self to do something crazy like only travel once every time you age up (like Llandros did )once you are a YA , once you are an adult and once you are an elder.

Make you own rules when it comes to challenges but don't cheat. If you cheat why are you playing a challenge ??

Happy Simming

The Sims 3 Midnight Sun Challenge

The Midnight Sun Challenge can only be played in a special world  the Isle of Midnight Sun . The island is a very small one in the middle of nowhere surrounded only by water . The lot is very small but there is more to it than is may seem.

To play this challenge it is recommended that you have the World Adventures expansion, otherwise it is impossible to finish it without breaking the rules.

You begin by creating a new game in the Isle of Midnight Sun, and create a new sim who is young adult or adult. It's up to you what your sim is going to look like and all that, no restrictions. After your sim is done you move him or her to the isle's only lot, a 10x10 lot worth 13500 simoleons.

This sim is now the beginning of a family whose destiny is to survive on this little island for 5 generations, until the first child of 5th generation turns YA. Your sim is allowed to do whatever he or she wants to in order to earn money, including painting, writing, fishing etc. The only age span allowed is Normal, which with the new Generations patch is considered a life span between 80-100 days in this challenge.

Since there are no other sims in the neighbourhood your sim lives in total isolation. This challenge is created to let your sims live in total isolation, and therefore you are NOT allowed to speak to any mailman or paparazzis showing up on or nearby your lot. The restriction also means that you have to travel abroad to either France, China or Egypt to find a partner for your future children since you are not allowed to adopt. Beware though, that a sim is only allowed to go for a vacation three times in his or her lifetime, and only once per destination. This means that if your sim goes to China he or she is never allowed to go there again, but another family member is.

An important detail is that everyone born on the lot or married into family must live on the isle and is never allowed to leave it until death takes them elsewhere. The only exception to this is the limited number of vacations allowedl. Also, during a sim's childhood you are never allowed to choose his or her traits, they must be randomized. Do NOT try to send your children to boarding school since there is no possibility for a taxi to pick them up.

At last, no cheats are allowed except for when you need to reset a buggy sim or move something that's in the way with moveobjects. Of course it's up to you if you follow the rules or not for this challenge, but you are not allowed to use mods that changes game conditions for skills, moods etc. If you are unsure whether a mod should be allowed or not, you can always bring it up for discussion in the thread! 

If you have Pets and/or Late Night I deeply recommend downloading the NRaas Register mod to be able to get rid of the paparazzis and wild animals, they could be extremely disturbing.

Download the world:
from Simlogical:
from Mediafire: 

The Sims 3 Basic Legacy Challenge

Legacy Challenge 

The Legacy Challenge is a long, 10-generation challenge where you start out with a single founder and very humble beginnings and try to lead the family to fame, fortune and success over the course of 10 generations. 

Starting out 
Create a brand new game file. You will be using this file exclusively to play your Legacy Challenge. You may use an existing game file, but your Legacy family must immediately become the “Active Household” and not cease to be active for the duration of the challenge. You may select any neighborhood. 

The challenge begins with a single founder. Make this founder in Create A Sim. They may be male or female. They may be any age that can have children (YA, Adult and Elder for males, YA and Adult for females). You have full choice over their look, color and clothing. Custom content may be used if you like, including create-a-style custom patterns and colors. You may choose all 5 traits as well as their three favorite likes (food, music and color) and a lifetime want. No other sims may be created in the founder’s family. Be creative with the family name, you’ll be seeing it for quite some time. 

Now to place the founder. You can place the founder on a 50x50 lot or larger (if you start in Sunset Valley or Riverview).But you have to start with $1,300 not more not less.If you end up with more you can use the familyfunds cheat to get to $1,300. But that is the only time you can use cheats.

No cheating. Plain and simple, no money or mood cheats. You may use custom objects, as long as their price and mood effects are in line with similar ‘official’ objects. Objects purchased from the Sim Store are considered 'official' as well as the ones included with the game. 
Aging and story progression must be on and lifespans set to the normal level. 
You are allowed to play with any Mod that does not give you a signifigant advantage over a player without the mod. The only specific mod I know of at the moment, Awesome Mod, is allowed. 
The Legacy family must be the “Active Household” during the entire challenge. You may never switch the active household to another family. If you want to take a break from Legacy play, it is recommended you play in another saved game slot. 
No Ambrosia! Your sims may learn the recipe for Ambrosia, but may not cook or consume the dish. Nor may ambrosia be used to resurrect ghosts. 
You may not ressurect dead sims via the Science lab. 
Sims may not consume life fruit to gain extra days to their lifespan. 
You may age sims up via the birthday cake only once the game prompts you with a reminder of their impending birthday, not earlier. You do not have to use the birthday cake to age sims up, you can wait for the game to force the age transition if you wish. 
Death Flowers may not be kept in inventory. You may gather and sell them, but cannot be used to ward off death 

Black Market Restriction:
The Black Market is no longer being monitored by police. Kleptos, rummagers and theives are now allowed to liquidate their ill gotten goods for cash.

Moving Sims in: 
Any sim may be moved into the Legacy Family via marriage or move-in except for the following: 
Sims created by the player 
Sims/households downloaded and imported from the exchange 
Sims that had previously lived in the Legacy household but had since moved out 
Sims that are identified by your sim as "Rich" are now fair game for all sims except your founder. 

All other sims are fair game. You are allowed to create/download/import sims and families into your Legacy neighborhood, they just cannot join the family. 
No sims/families may ever be merged into the Legacy family. If you wish to add members, they must be done in game. 

Challenge concepts 
Generation: Order of birth in relation to the family at large. Your founder is generation 1, your founder’s son/daughter would be generation 2, the grandchildren of the founder would be generation 3 and so on. The challenge ends the moment generation 10 is born. 
Founder: The sim you create in CAS who starts the family. 
Heir: The sim belonging to the family bloodline who is slated to bring in the next generation once he/she is old enough and finds a mate. 
Spare: A sibling of an heir, who can become an heir should anything happen to the current heir. Spares may be fed to the time stream or kept on the lot if you wish. They are eligible to earn legacy points for the family. 
Fed to the time stream: Moving a controllable sim out of the legacy house. A sim fed to the time stream no longer can generate legacy points for the family, but still may be interacted with. Legacy points that have already been earned by this sim still count towards your total, even after you move the sim out. 
Legacy Points: Your score for the challenge, earned in a variety of ways described below. The goal of the challenge is to get as many legacy points before the 10th generation. 
Legacy House: The lot initially moved into by your founder. You may not move the family to another lot during the entire challenge. All heirs must be born in this house (or rather, born from sims living at this house, even if they use the hospital to give birth) 
Bloodline: Any sim who can trace his or her family tree directly to the founder. Adopted sims are NOT part of the bloodline. Sims that are moved in are only considered part of the bloodline when they contribute to the birth of the next generation. 
Mate: A sim brought in from outside the family to reproduce with the current generation’s heir to produce the next generation. When the next generation is born, the mate becomes part of the family bloodline and eligible to earn points. 

You earn points for your family in the following ways. 
Generation: You get 1 legacy point for your founder, and 1 point for every generation born until the 10th. You earn each point at the birth of the first child in each generation. Further births in that generation do not generate more points. Thus you can only earn a maximum of 10 total Generation points by completing the challenge and birthing the 10th generation. 

Lifetime wants: You gain 1 point for every unique lifetime want fulfilled by a family member. The sim in question must be living in the legacy house and be part of the family tree to earn this point. Once a specific liftime wish has been fulfilled by a sim, further sims fulifilling that wish will not earn you a legacy point for doing so. There are 32 unique liftime wishes in the game, meaning you could earn a maximum of 32 points in this category. 

Portraits: 1 point for creating a portrait of a family member and keeping it on display after their death. Like above, the sim must be part of the family tree and living in the legacy house to qualify for this point. You earn this point after the portrait is created, you do not have to wait for the sim in the portrait to actually die. Portraits are still worth their points even if the family member pictured is moved out of the house later on. The skill of the artist doing the portrait does not matter, as long as it features the sim in question it counts. Portraits may be of any size or style. Keep in mind that a sim must have a painting skill of at least 5 to get the option of painting a still life (needed to capture a sim’s picture). 
Sims must be of Young Adult or older and living on the Legacy Lot at the time of painting to count for a portrait point. 

Legacy House: Earn 1 legacy point for every $100,000 in net worth the house is worth. To get the net worth combine the "Furnished Value" of the house with the family's cash on hand. Round up. This category can have a maximum of 20 points earned, meaning a net-worth of 2,000,000 

Aspiration Rewards: If a sim is able to earn 100,000 points worth of aspiration rewards, they earn your family 1 legacy point. You are free to spend aspiration points as you gain them, it is your lifetime total, not your current total, that matters for this point. Like the other sim-based points, this may only be earned by family members. You may earn an additional point in this category from a sim if they somehow earn 200,000 points in their lifetime. . 

Birth and growing up 

Whenever a sim is born or ages up, they will often obtain new traits. Sometimes these traits are randomly assigned by the game. Other times the game lets you pick them. In the Legacy Challenge, all traits are random. If you are given the option to pick traits for any sim, you must hit the random button and accept the trait that is randomly assigned. The only exception is if you are playing with the "Family Trait" optional rule. If you are, and the family trait is one of the options, you may select that trait rather than hitting the random button. 
Sims that die on the family lot may be kept around as ghosts, or may be moved to a cemetery. It is up to you. If a sim dies and you forgot to get their portrait, making a portrait of their ghost does not count. If the bloodline is cut short by death, the challenge ends immediately. It is always a good idea to have at least one spare in case the heir perishes. Even if ghosts become playable, they may not earn any further points for the family. Ghost babies are not considered part of any bloodline.

Bringing in the next generation. 
In order to bring in the next generation, a new sim must be born. Adoptions do not carry the family bloodline and thus don’t count. (You are still allowed to adopt sims if you really want to, but they won’t help point wise) If the heir is male, you must move their mate into the legacy family house before having a baby. If the heir is female, she may move her mate in, or simply get pregnant while off the lot. In either case, the heir and their mate don’t have to be married. Sims may be born at home or in a hospital, whichever you prefer. The moment the next generation is born, the heir’s mate officially becomes part of the family bloodline (and thus can earn lifetime want, aspiration perk and portrait points for you, provided they are living in the Legacy House). 

Optional Rules 
These are optional rules you may play with if you wish. They don’t affect your score in any way, and are merely tools to help establish a theme for your family. 

Family Trait 
When creating your founder in CAS, choose one of the founder’s 5 traits to become the ‘family trait’ for your legacy family. There after, every sim born to the legacy family must possess this trait by the time they reach young adulthood. If they do not inherit it at birth, you must choose that trait the moment you are given the option to. The remaining traits still must be rolled for. 


Whatever gender your founder was, this must be the gender of every heir. Meaning if you started with a female founder, only female children may become the heir to bring in the next generation. Children of the other gender are still counted as part of the family bloodline and may still earn the family points, they simply may not bring in the next generation. 
A male dominant family is called a Patriarchy, a female dominant family is a Matriarchy. 

Story Teller 

A popular practice is to write a story for your Legacy family and upload it in chapters. If you feel the creative energy, why not try uploading your own story? There is no in-game bonus for doing this, but the addition to the community is always welcome! 

This is the most basic challenge . If you want a more difficult challenge check out the Forever Young Founder.

The Seven Deadly Sims

Generation 1 is played just as a normal legacy is.

Generation 2: Greed 

  • Your sim must marry rich and older. If the spouse is a woman, you must have her be able to bear children.

    Your sim should bear a child and murder Spouse #1.

    Repeat the above steps as many times as you like, but up to 10 times more. (MAX: 11 times)

    You may have a servant (additional sim in the house) to care for the children.

    Your sim must reach level 10 of either the business or political career.

Generation 3: Wrath 

  • Your temper is very short, and you flip out at anything, from fires to a dirty dish!

    Your first 5 relationships must be broken up. Why? Because you were too mad for them.

    You can break up future relationships, but when you find "The One", they're definitely the one you have to stay with until death!

    You can rarely hold your children because of your bad temper.

    You must reach level 10 of the Athletic skill (if you don't own World Adventures) and/or SimFu (if you do own World Adventures)

Generation 4: Gluttony  

  • Your sim must be noticably fat. (Obese is optional, but prefered)

    You must master the Culinary career and the Cooking skill.

    You don't find love until you reach late Young-Adulthood/early Adulthood.

    You must accept all food realted wants (if male) and/or pregnancy cravings (if female)

    When you have kids (if female), you gain a lot of weight!


Generation 5: Lust  

  • Your sim must have at least 6 lovers and have at least 1 child from each lover in the house.

    Your sim must never be engaged or married... ever... EVER!

    You may only use "Try For Baby". Never plain WooHoo.

    You must spend at least 2 hours of quality time a week with each child living in the house and be extremely loving towards them.

    When your kids are older, you encourage them to find romance!

Generation 6: Pride   

  • Your parent always told you how wonderful you are, so you grew to believe that immensely and became a snob.

    You go to the spa at least once a week. Gotta keep up the image!

    You must take up the opposite career your Generation 2 heir(ess) did (Generation 2: Business/Generation 7: Politics OR Generation 2: Politics/Generation 7: Business)

    When you have a kid (if woman), you hit the treadmill and stay fit.


    Your spouse takes care of the kids. You care too much about yourself to jeopardize your own health and energy.

    You must get pregnant at least 4 times. Even if you have twins or triplets!

    You don't eat any junk food!

Generation 7: Envy  

  • You envied all your siblings and you were a loner, so you never liked your siblings.

    You can only have the bare minimum of kids if you play matriarchy or patriarchy. If not, just 1 pregnancy!

    Kick out all your parents and siblings! They made your life a living hell!

    Your spouse must be at least in a partnership with someone else.

    Your children don't have to do anything they don't want to do! You want them to have the priveledged life you never had!

    If your children/teen has ANY want to get a piece of furniture, you MUST grant it! No matter what!

Generation 8: Sloth 

  • Your parents never made you do anything, so now you don't want to do anything, naturally.

    You must hire a butler (if you can) and/or a maid.

    You don't do anything for yourself, not even work!

    If you want to learn skills, you must learn it by classes, tv, books or computer.

    Most of your day must be spent by either sitting or laying down.

    You must have at least 2 kids.

If you have any questions ask me !! I look forward to answering them.!

Llandros' Hybrid Baby Challenge

Objective: Raise 100 children within set parameters with a single sim in order to achieve a lifetime reward/goal.

Requirements: Works best with Base Game and all expansion packs (through University) as well as store content items, but can be adapted to fit your needs.

Goal: Choose a reason to complete the challenge and an incentive for them to be successful

Settings: Normal Default Settings (90 days) – Seasons, Lunar Cycle and Demographics – Optional, Mods that do not change gameplay/skill items are allowed

Premise: (Can be unique to each person playing the challenge) A young sim (best with female) has just suffered a tragic accident that cost the life of their spouse (childhood sweetheart) and only child. A successful bargain with the Grim Reaper has given a second chance. The Grim Reaper wants 100 potential souls in exchange for the life of the two you have lost. One sim will be brought back (in ghost form) and the other will be returned upon successful completion of the challenge Will your sim have the stamina to continue knowing that each life created could be taken away prematurely for your selfish wants?

The challenge ends when you successfully resurrect your ghostly sim and raise 100 children to young adult status.

Rules for the Founder:

  • Founder must learn/acquire a method of resetting their age that can only be consumed on their 90th day. This will happen as often as need be in order to meet the challenge rules
  • A jelly bean bush must be acquired and placed in a locked area that can only be accessed when the time is called for. It is a gift from the Grim Reaper.
  • Select the largest residential lot and create your home or use a pre-existing home. Regardless, after placing the jelly bean bush in a locked room, reduce family funds to $0.
  • INDIVIDUAL GOAL/REWARD – establish an ultimate goal/reward for your sim on completion of the challenge. Example: During the course of my challenge, the founder must discover the secret to restore a ghost to human form. This can only be done as the final act of the challenge.
  • All spouses/sims that contribute to the bloodline MUST live in the house until their death, even if divorce occurs. Remarriage is always an option.
  • ALL midlife crisis wishes must be completed either before or after the crisis is over (unless you have 4 locked midlife wishes, you must cancel a wish and complete them)
  • Traveling is allowed but entirely optional.
  • A career is optional and can be a rabbit-hole or profession. You must change careers each time your sim ages back down to Young Again. • Casino items are OFF LIMITS for everyone except the founder on the following days only (1st day in town until 10 pm and every birthday after)
  • You may live in a pre-built home or build your own. You may move as often as you wish. Just set family funds to $0 before starting the game.
  • Cannot get pregnant until the youngest child in the home is within 48 sim hours of aging up to Child status. Twins and triplets are fine.
  • Gifts from friends are acceptable and can be used/sold immediately
  • Must train toddler skills the old-fashioned way (no daycare items to learn skills) – until restricted items are unlocked. (see Rules for Children)
  • Death Flowers are not allowed – you may grow them and sell them, but they cannot be kept in your inventory
  • You must paint a portrait of your child as a toddler, child, teen, and young adult before moving them out. 

Rules for the Spouse:

  • Must live in the house if adding to the bloodline.
  • They do not need to be married
  • Can work in any career
  • Once the first child is born, the spouse must eat from the jelly bean plant three times each night before midnight. They get a free pass on Festival Days only.
  • Spouse can never reset age, but can use lifetime reward points (none to extend life) 

Rules for the Children:

  •  Children can NOT be aged up early - only by the system or after the birthday alert 
  • Traits can be random or you may pick. Life time wish can be chosen the same way. 
  • Birthday parties must occur for each child with cake, balloons, and a gift. The cake does not have to be used, but must be purchased.  You can wait for the system to age them up.
  • Premium content can be used once it is unlocked. The baby monitor is unrestricted. 
  •  You can choose any item in any order, but only one item until the next restriction is lifted. Choose among the following items: 
    • Toddler playpen
    • Toddler walker
    • Bathing Station
    • Baby Swing
    • Tree of Prosperity
    • Super Sleeper
    • Gardening Station and Sunflower
    • Multi Tab
    • Not So Routine Machine
    • Brain Enhancing Machine .
  • You may choose one of the above items after you have raised 10 children to YA status. Every 10 children raised will unlock a premium item. 
  •  Failure to meet any of these does not end the challenge – it just means that the child will not count towards the 100 total.


  • Must be potty trained, learn to walk, and learn to talk by the founder (not by themselves until restriction is lifted)
  • Must learn all skills on the xylophone and pegbox
  • Must have all 9 baby books read to them or read independently
  • Must be given the teddy bear for the cuddle time moodlet
  • Must have portrait painted


  • Must learn all skills on the baker’s oven and building block table
  • Must sign up for an after school activity
  • Must get a grade of A in school
  • Must have portrait painted


  • Must sign up for an afterschool activity
  • Must attend at least one dance 
  • Must successfully prank the school at least once
  • Must set 5 booby traps 
  • Must be taught to drive 
  • Must have portrait painted
Upon graduation, each child must pass the Grim Reaper’s test (eat three beans from the jelly bean tree). See the University Exam for exemption possibilities. If they survive, they must move out immediately. Any sim that fails the three jelly bean test (ending in their death) will NOT count towards the final 100.

Each child that is moved (kicked out) from the family reduces the family funds by $10,000.

Rules for the Game:

  • Prior to lifting the restriction, the Tree of Prosperity, Brain-Enhancing Machine, etc. can be used by any sim ONLY after they consume three jelly beans prior to each use. One (and only one) Tree of Prosperity can be placed and used on a community lot.
  • Free Vacation and Boarding School is not allowed at any time.
  • Imaginary Friends can be used if you wish but never turned human.
  • Pets are fine if your family chooses to get one.
  • Opportunities for the children are optional but encouraged 
  • All names must be alphabetized (4 rotations of the alphabet always omitting one unique random letter each cycle)
  • Household Jobs – Moms and teens must cook all meals (no quick meals) and items must be purchased at the grocery story to prepare the meal. Dads must repair all broken items in the house.
  • University - No one is allowed to attend University although they may take the test. Full scholarships will exempt young adults from eating all three jelly beans. They will eat only one. A partial scholarship drops the requirement to two jelly beans. 
  • Alien babies and plant sims do not count towards the 100 goal and must be raised just as the other children. If a father bears an alien sim, he is exempt from the jelly bean tests until the child moves out.

Special Days

  • Festival Day/Family Day – must be spent together (a babysitter can be called for toddlers/babies. You can attend the festival or any other venue in town that you wish. You could even host a party on a community lot or at home if you choose.
  • Mother’s Day - Mom needs a day where she can take a few hours off to have some “me”time. Hire a babysitter or leave the kids with dad while she gets a facial, sees a movie with a friend, visits the beach or whatever you like. Make this once every spring. 
  • Father’s Day - Dad gets one day each summer for himself. He can choose to do what he likes in his spare time on that day. Use it to see a friend, visit the karaoke bar or whatever you like. All other days he must come straight home from work. Jelly bean test is lifted on this day also.
  • Date Night – one night each season (week) is date night. Hire a babysitter and head out for a night together. Must be considered a ‘date’ by the game.

This is not that hard. Once you get used to the rules everything will be easy.
You can find more on Llandros on youtube where he makes awesome LPs Check him out !!

SimCity Challenge: The Perfect City (by TheQuxxn)

Challenge Requirements: 2 or more players
Objective: To create the perfect city based on mayor approval rating and employment balance.
Works best when: Players play the game at the same time (preferably while communicating) to avoid confusion  when determining the winner (this is somewhat of a time-based challenge). Players are in the same region.
How to win: The first player to…
  • Have a level 5 City Hall (at least 75,000 sims)
  • Have a mayor approval rating of at least 85%
  • Have an unemployment rate that is less than 5%
  • Have an unfilled job rate that is less than 5%
  • Have a profitable city (even a single simoleon an hour counts)
…will win.
You may choose a higher City Hall level and mayor rating to make it more difficult. You may also choose to play in sandbox mode to make it more easier.
Region: Any
City Specialization: Players can choose to specialize in whatever they prefer but they MUST specialize in something from the City Specialization menu.
Game Speed: Players must decide on playing turtle, llama, or cheetah speed as a whole. Every player must play on the same speed!
  • DLC is free-game. If you got it, use it!
  • Play with people you trust because cheating is a thing…
This is not intended to be the hardest challenge in the world, just something to do with friends. Enjoy!
You can find TheQuxxn's blog on
RIP Quxxn ! :(

The Sims 3 Forever Young Founder Challenge

For those of you that are getting tired of the Legacy Challenge I created something more exciting: The Forever Young Founder Challenge
This is just like the Legacy Challenge but more difficult : 
1. The Founder Family must have 20 generations. 

2.All the members of the family must have one common trait (including the one they marry). You can create a sim and put in the town so you make sure someone will have that trait. Each sim must have at least one bad trait including the founder. 

3.The Founder must live all throught the 20 generations as a ghost or you can use the potions from the alchemy set or/and the chemistry set.But he/she MUST live. 

4.The family must live on a 50x50 lot and start with $1,000 . (If you want to make things more exciting you can start with 0). 

5.The founder must not move away from the lot. But the others can when they get to young adults. 

6.All toddlers must be learned how to talk,walk and potty train . 

7.The Casino may only be used once every summer on the day before Leasure Day. Otherwise its off limits. 

8.All premium content items must be unlocked in orther to use them. To unlock a premiun content item your sim has to get to level 10 in his carrer , master 1 skill and have 4 friends. 

9.On Spooky Day all children and teens must go trick or treating and must carve one pumpkin. 

10.In the winter the family must have at least 1 gift giving party and 1 feast party. 

11.As I said you can move the young adults out but each generations you have to keep one sim that will continue the legacy.The Founder will only give birth to the first generation. 

12.If a sim that was in your family dies, even though you moved them out you have to get their grave into your lot. 

13.No supernaturals. But they can learn the alchemy skill. 

14.No cheats except the familyfunds(family name) 1000 you use at the beggining of the game. 

15.By the end of the challenge your founder sim must have mastered at least 10 skills and have 5 carrers up to lvl 10 . 

16.Once you get to the 20th generation you have to play until each sim dies.(You can't marry or have babys). 

It's not a lot of rules most of them are just gonna come by themselves. It's not as easy as The Legacy Challenge but not that hard either. 

Happy Simming. P.S.:You can use whatever town you want but they must live in a 50x50 lot.